The Mission – wird verschoben
Zeche Bochum
Prinz-Regent-Str. 50-60
44795 Bochum
Zur Karte
Die geplanten Shows von The Mission werden verlegt. Nachholtermine werden noch bekannt gegeben.
Hier das Statement der Band:
STATEMENT: Thursday 12th March 2020.
From Wayne:
I’m looking out of my hotel window in Lisbon this lunchtime, the sun is shining with not a cloud in the sky and I think to myself, ‘it looks like a beautiful day’ but I feel differently.
It’s with great sadness that I’m writing to tell you that, after discussions with the rest of the band, management, agents & promoters, we have made the very difficult decision to end the tour tonight in Lisbon with the remaining dates on our 2020 European tour to be rescheduled.
Over the last week decisions to cancel shows were being made daily by local venues and promoters, governments, and administrations because of the Coronavirus and the subsequent legislations that are being made and changed daily to combat its spread. More shows are undoubtedly due to be cancelled, with the landscape changing daily. To safeguard the well-being of the band, our crew, and our audience, and to abide by local regulations and rules we had to make the unprecedented decision to cut our losses and go home. We will be able to re-schedule this tour for a time in the not so distant future when it will be safe for crowds of people to congregate again. As soon as we have any info regarding rescheduling we’ll let you know. Hold onto to your tickets for the time being until we sort out how we’re going to do it. All tickets will be valid for the re-arranged shows or a refund will be available from the place you purchased the ticket if that is your choice. I also know that there have been a fair few that bought tickets for the shows we have already played but didn’t come because of the Coronavirus fear. We would like to offer a gift to those of you who have stayed away, anyone wishing to send a copy of your unused ticket to info@anger-management.co will be contacted in due course.
Of course we realise that some have gone to great lengths and expense and travelled long distances to support us, and it seems almost patronising to say ‘we’re sorry for any inconvenience caused’ – it doesn’t feel enough to say that. I say it nonetheless and thank you from the bottom of my heart for your continued support. I’m sure Craig, Simon, and Mike join me in that sentiment.
Tonight’s show in Lisbon at Ao Vivo, the 2nd of two nights, is still going ahead and will be the last show of the tour. So let’s try to make it a huge celebration of life, love, and music, and say our farewells until this situation rectifies itself as it surely will at some point. We will miss you. Safe travels, be safe, be vigilant, and, most importantly, treat each other with kindness, respect, and love for humankind.